The Pittsburgh Decision

After my achilles tendon/soleus injury at the beginning of December put a damper on my marathon plans, I spent much of Christmas break doing three things:

1) Praying 

2) “Running” on the eliptical (generally at a 3:1 ratio with running outside.. I would run one day and still have pain, spend three in the gym, and then try again)

3) Researching (and buying stuff)

Of course, the (very rarely found) optimist in me was researching things like “running with achilles injury” and “heal achilles injury.” I bought compression sleeves, KT tape, and a brace. But when I was honest with myself, I knew I wasn’t going to be able to run the marathon on February 3rd. But I also knew I wasn’t going to totally give up, so I started doing some research on new marathons. And I found something exciting.


May 5th, 2013: The Pittsburgh Marathon

I didn’t consider it for very long—I was running this marathon. I had time to heal, time to train again. Pittsburgh also excited me because I would get to run my first marathon in the city I identify as “home.”  Finally, I could relax a little. I changed my February registration from the marathon to the half-marathon, which definitely relieved some stress. New (hopefully injury-free) training for the new year! : )

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